Make Your Resolutions Stick
“I’ll believe it when I see it!”, the mantra of most skeptics, can actually be turned around to help you stick to whatever New Year’s resolutions you’ve made for 2014. Understanding the real truth...
View ArticleTrue Health
For most of my life, I was under the delusion that it really didn’t matter what I ate. Because I was always so active swimming, surfing, skiing or playing football, lacrosse or tennis, I never gained...
View ArticleStamp Out Chronic Disease: The Smartest Way
Last week, I shared the message about “epigenetics”, which is generally an emerging field of study about how our environment influences the expression of our individual genetic makeups. “Nutrigenomics”...
View ArticleAh Duh? Healthcare That Really Works?
The healthcare system in this country has gotten so far out of whack, it seems ridiculous to even refer to it as “healthcare”. Taken literally, it would lead you to believe the system is actually...
View ArticleMetabolic Syndrome: Got it? Beat it!
I came across an article the other day written by a doctor who was using himself as a guinea pig in the quest for knowledge about how our bodies burn different fuel, primarily fat and glucose. He was...
View ArticleThe Third Leg Under The Health Stool
If you’ve followed this blog for even a short period of time, you know that I am committed to sharing health information that will help prevent, arrest and even cure some of our most insidious chronic...
View ArticleMultiple Sclerosis? Fork You!
MS, multiple sclerosis, a frightening diagnosis. What would you do? Read this remarkable testimony about the power of your fork! “Life can change in a moment. It did for me” October 11, 1995 started...
View ArticlePrevent & Cure Cancer Naturally
The big “C” strikes fear and extreme anxiety into the hearts of most people. It seems everyone has been touched in some way by this horrid disease. The standard course of treatment, including...
View ArticleLower Your Healthcare Costs…..Forever!
Putting aside all the mounting clinical evidence that points to a plant-based diet as being the answer to obesity, diabetes and other chronic diseases, I just love these anecdotal testimonies!...
View ArticleBeat Diabetes, Cancer & Heart Disease
Here are a collection of five short videos from celebrated doctors and scientists that clearly and concisely explain how you can prevent, arrest and even reverse three of the most devastating chronic...
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